CrossFit is a popular fitness program that combines various exercises to create challenging workouts aimed at improving overall fitness. One of the signature exercises in CrossFit is the Wall Ball. This exercise involves a medicine ball and a wall, and it is designed to work the legs, core, and upper body. CrossFit Durham, a CrossFit affiliate gym, features a workout called "Balls to the Wall" that includes 10-15-20-25-30 Wall Balls.

Before tackling the Balls to the Wall workout, CrossFitters at the Durham gym should spend some time on the Deadlift. Deadlifts are a foundational exercise in strength training, and they are a key part of CrossFit's overall approach to fitness. For the Deadlift portion of the Balls to the Wall workout, CrossFitters should take 20-25 minutes to warm up and set a 1RM for the day. This means working up to the heaviest weight possible without working to failure. It is important to leave something in the tank for next time.
CrossFitters at CrossFit Durham are encouraged to post their PRs (personal records) on the PR Board. PRs are an important part of CrossFit culture and they serve as a way for athletes to track their progress and challenge themselves to do better. CrossFit is all about pushing your limits and striving for improvement.
In addition to the Balls to the Wall workout, CrossFit Durham also offers an Endurance Workout on a regular basis. This workout is designed to challenge athletes in a different way, focusing on cardio and endurance rather than strength and power. Endurance workouts typically involve running, rowing, or other forms of cardio exercise.
Mark Rippetoe is a legendary figure in the world of strength training and CrossFit. He is the author of several books on strength training, including "Starting Strength," which is considered by many to be a must-read for anyone interested in strength training. Rippetoe's philosophy is centered around the idea that strength is the foundation of all physical activity, and that getting stronger is the key to achieving your fitness goals.
CrossFit Durham offers a simple Deadlift setup video featuring Mark Rippetoe that is worth checking out. In the video, Rippetoe provides some useful tips and techniques for Deadlifts. This exercise is essential for developing strength and power, and it is one of the key exercises in CrossFit.
Overall, CrossFit Durham offers a challenging and engaging fitness experience for anyone looking to improve their overall fitness level. Whether you are an experienced CrossFitter or a newcomer to the program, there is something for everyone at CrossFit Durham. So if you are looking to get in shape and challenge yourself to be the best you can be, give CrossFit Durham a try. And don't forget to post your PRs on the PR Board!